
4 month Milo

i feel bad that i haven't done one blog post about this little guy since he was born. Yeah he's 4 months old.  He's such a sweet natured baby. He's really happy and pretty content.  He had his 4 month appointment today, and everything is looking right on track. He smiles a lot, and has giggled a couple times at niya. He's starting to reach out and grab for his hanging toys but still doesn't quite get how to keep a hold of it when he gets it. He loves to suck on his hands, and stare at his feet. He is a major barfer. Its actually kind of horrible. If you hold him you get barfed on.  He loves to get mommys attention and try his hardest to talk. He doesn't love tummy time, and only lasts a few minutes. I've started putting him in is jumparoo, and he loves it. He's not very good at sitting in the bumbo though. The doctor commented today on what a wiggly baby he is, so i think that might have something to do with it. He's been sleeping through the night for about a month now. He'll usually go 6-8 hours without waking. We love having him around. He adds such a fun dynamic to our family. He gets lots and lots of attention from his big sister. she loves to give him kisses, and make up little nicknames for him. My personal favorite was "little gentleman guy" i have no idea where she comes up with them.
today at his appt he weighed 14lbs (33%) and was 24.5inches (36%)