

Vermont was where the nalc convention was, so here we met up with scott, and lisa. normally lisa and i hang out while drew and scott go to meetings. we get to see a lot of cool places and do a lot of fun things.

in case you didn't know. Vermont is the home of the original ben and jerry's factory
so of course we took a tour

scott loves ice cream soooo much that he decided to skip the meetings and go with us.... OK that's not entirely true. he had mallet finger from putting on his shoes too hard, so he couldn't go to the "golfing meeting" with the rest of the business people

we were happy to have him with us! especially since he's the one holding niya up in this picture.
don't we totally look like ben and jerry?

statue of cows, because cows make milk, and milk makes ice cream

at the end of the tour we got a free sample

it was mint chip. ben and jerrys really is good

after the meetings were over drew got to join us. we went to the ski resort and took the gondola

grandma and niya taking in the spectacular view

we hiked (OK walked) to a little waterfall

Vermont was really lush and beautiful. and the fall colors were amazing.

next stop Syracuse to see baby brother

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, I want some ice cream. So lame I don't get to go on fun business trips with you guys.
