

Every year drews moms family spends easter weekend in st geroge. it was a tradition for drew growing, up and has become a tradition for our little family. this year was no different, and we had a great time.

of course there was an easter egg hunt

i wasn't sure niya would get it but she picked it up right away

it was so fun to see her get all excited as she spotted another egg to put in her basket

the egg hunt rapidly came to a halt when she figured out there was candy inside

she couldn't believe her luck

of course she turned into a candy mess.
she is SUCH a sugar monger 

niya also discovered how much she loves the pool

it was so fun, that she threw a fit when we took her out

it wouldn't be easter without decorating eggs. 
niya decorated her very first egg

she had to get a little help from drew though because she started to try to get wild with the dye

my mom sent an easter package for niya

she was so excited to open it

it was the cutest little owl and fluffy chick wearing high heels. niya kept saying "shoe, shoe, shoe"

this was the only "easter family pic" i got. drew and i had already changed out of our pretty easter dresses. i was a little bummed about that, but niya fell asleep on the way home from brunch and we didn't want to spend all day in our sunday best. 
so oh well

Happy Easter!


  1. Darling photos! Thanks for sharing them...I love watching Niya grow up. :-)

  2. Oh man, she's the cutest little bug in the world.
