
is this a mean joke?

i think i have officially entered into the "i can't wait to get this baby out" phase. My feet are pretty much the fattest little things you've ever seen! I think its to the point now where elevation doesn't even help!
the dents are my favorite part. who even knew that was humanly possible?
its really just weird
Im about 37 and 1/2 weeks now. technically the baby is full term now and could really come any day. im thinking shes just loving her life in there cause on tuesday the doctor said she hadn't even dropped into my pelvis and my body was not even a little bit getting ready to go into labor. So as long as my blood pressure stays under control I think i could actually make it to the end. lets just pray that it does cause i'd really like to not have a c section. but if i do oh well. So other than the swelling, the constant numb sensation in my hands, the oh so uncomfortable nights, constant braxton hicks, snoring, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, one pair of pants that fit, no shoes that fit, not being able to get up once i sit, no bending over to pick up what i've just dropped, I think i'm feeling pretty good!


  1. Those dents just look so odd. I don't get why the skin does that!

    And once again, you make pregnancy sound so magical :)

  2. Remember when I was pregnant after we came out of the movie my feet were HUGE and you guys all laughed at me. I guess this is payback time :) But, seriously I feel for you...you are almost there!

  3. Wow...menopause now seems so much better than it did just a minute ago. :-)

  4. oh my gosh! The things I have to look forward to! That is some serious water retention to get dents like that. You always have been one to impress Sum. Good luck with everything...you'll be great!

  5. It was fun to see you and Andrew in Park City! I can't wait for you to have this little baby! It looks like your legs and feet can't wait either. :)
